Beta Readers Only

Sign up here to be part of the beta read for my yet to be titled book on writing.
I'm thinking of calling it how to write good but I think it's probably already taken. Also, it's more of an intro book so maybe that could be better reflected in the title.
Anyway, you will receive an electronic copy of the book by email, a week or so later you will get a form.
The obligation you are agreeing to is to fill out the form and let me know what worked and what didn't. This is going to be work, so please be ready for that.
You will also be subscribed to my email address and in fact, will get more content than other people, some special bonuses for being wonderful enough to help with my book!


Traverse Davies
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Please select what you are signing up for. I hope you pick both fields, but if you only want one or the other that's okay... I promise I'm not hurt <sob>

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